Not "it" as in the new "It Girl", but "It" in a fun little game of tag. Oooohhh, my first cyber tag game. Miss
Linda is keeping me busy today and has generously been chaperoning me into art blog land for some weeks now. Not only did she tag me today but she took my breath away with an undeserved feature of me in her lovely blog today - ME, little ol' ME! Yippee! I do feel a little "It-ish" this afternoon thanks to Linda. Like I commented on her blog, now I want to send her a really big thank you gift - like a car or something. I'm really doin' the cabbage patch dance, maybe even a little lawn sprinkler action. If you haven't seen Linda's blog, it is the one place I stop everyday. She has such interesting things to share - to see and to read and she is so very positive and kind. Her beautiful home has been featured in many publications (which you can tour through when you visit her blog) and her art work is delicious and unique and clever. I would normally be so intimidated by her apparent perfection and perfect life and perfect house and perfect family and perfect art, but she is too nice to let you feel that way. Now, I've got dibs on the spare room in her house if one should ever become available so don't be thinkin' you can butter her up and take my place. I'll be happy to just eat all the candy she enchantingly displays on her counter and take in all of her marvelous collections of the coolest things on earth.

(SOME of Linda's candy - aren't you so jealous?)
Okay, sorry, I digress . . . the tag game. The rules are these, when you get tagged you must:
~ Link to the person who tagged you.
~ Mention the rules.
~ Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself. (This shouldn't take long in my case. I'm all about quirky and boring and unspectacular)
1. I am afraid of buttons. Yes, I have some kind of phobia about them. I've had it as long as I can remember and it is well known (and taken advantage of) by my friends and family. Buttons that are loose, dangling or have already fallen off are the worst - I cannot even touch them. I kind of react like most would to pulling hair out of the drain only with heart palpatations and shortness of breath - can't even look at a lost button.
2. Hmmmmm . . . .(Okay this is harder than I thought - maybe I'm trying too hard to be spectacular though I know you're not supposed to be) Uh . . . Okay! I have one . . . I've only been making collages for about 2 months and have no idea what I am doing. I graduated with a BFA in graphic design 20 years ago and have only used my degree to teach elementary art and work as a scenic artist on the movie Love Field (I painted most of the sets and the interiors of all the vintage buses they used but I didn't get listed in the credits because I quit before the movie was over). I never worked as a graphic designer since leaving college and I have only made 5-6 pieces of my own art in 20 years until this summer. Here's the last piece of art I made before this summer - the only one I made in about a 15 year span . . .

(this is a little picture - the piece is about 18" x 15" - It was muslin that I dyed and painted and cut apart and put back together - only made one of these pieces)
Maybe that is why I have no artistic confidence. I just need to make more, ALOT more.
3. I used to play pool in a leauge. In fact, just over a year ago my team won the South Coast Championship and got to play in the National Championship in Las Vegas (where they were immediately defeated). I played both 8 ball and 9 ball (my husband played on my 9 ball team with me too - that was our date night every week) but had to quit when we moved here to Eagle Rock. I miss it but it took up a lot of potential art making time.
4. If you google me you will see lots of hits but only two are really me. If you google my husband, you will get two big ones even an imdb and result and a few others. (Kent Jorgensen) I wonder what the other Marsha Jorgensen's are like - they seem much more important and successful than I. I don't care about the other Kent Jorgensen's - I like the one I got, famous or not. Here's a picture of us . . .

It may be the only one you ever see because I hate looking at myself. We knew each other about 10 months when we got married in a chapel in Las Vegas - July, 1988.
5. If I ever decided to have surgery to fix something I didn't like, I would get new toes. I could use a smaller nose and bigger boobs, but better, prettier, straighter toes with perfect little symmetrical nails that I would show off with extravagant pedicures is what I day dream about. I have a crooked toe. My mom broke my foot tying my shoes too tight when I was a baby and it was not treated properly, so my right foot has a crooked toe. My left big toe has gotten the dreaded old lady toenail fungus and is looking pretty gross - it's hard to explain, but the next time you see old lady toes think of me. It's a tough thing to fix because most insurance doesn't cover it and medications (that are only 70% successful) can cost as much as $400 a month. Toe replacement surgery seems a better option to me.
6. I don't like to eat. If there was a pill you could take to feel full and satisfied all day, I would take it. I hate preparing food, wasting the time to eat it, and above all, hate cleaning up after cooking. Big gulps (of coke) and slim jims would be my regular diet if I didn't have kids to raise properly and without neglect. I do like putting all the healthy food I buy in the fridge though - it makes me feel good to know if the children police ever came to the house to check on my ability to take care of my kids, they would see a very clean fridge full of healthy food (that no one eats and we throw out and replace every week).
Oh! That's six. Now that I got the hang of this, I could go on and on. I'll save some quirks for another time. So, thanks, Linda for tagging me - that was fun and enlightening! I've probably lost any readers I had, but that's the way it goes. They see the real you and it ain't always pretty.
Now, who to tag? I'm thinkin'
Tace or
Jill. Tace is my new friend in blog land - she kept me rollin' and laughin' and typin' til very late last night. You can meet her before she becomes a rich and famous author. (maybe she already is and I don't know it, incognito) But, she might see this as a kind of chain letter deal and I don't want to scare her away (yet). I met Jill in a yahoo group for beginning altered art artists and her work spoke to me and inspired me to give this all a whirl and really, changed my life as it turned out. But Jill has returned to real job world and may feel stressed about another thing to do when she didn't expect it. Ah, heck, I'll risk it and tag 'em both.
Is this the longest post ever blogged?