. . . slowly but surely, I am easing back into work after a bit of an art break this last week. I've got lots of emails about my doctor visits.
As far as I know, all is well and so far so good. A sore toe that I have tried to ignore for over a year has gotten worse and needs some attention and probably surgery. To have the surgery I had to have a physical. My doctor is either extremely thorough or I have something to worry about as she is putting me through quite the pace of tests. I still have to have more
blood work done, a pelvic ultrasound, a chest
xray, a foot
xray, a mammogram and a chest MRI. Since I feel fine other than a sore toe, I am assuming she is just being very thorough. One of two main discomforts this last week was a first time reaction to a tetanus shot that made my arm swell and hurt a great deal. I've had several of these shots in my lifetime, but this one, for some reason really caused a reaction. My arm was so swollen that trying to sleep on it, as I normally would, cut off the circulation to the rest of my arm. It hurt just sitting doing nothing and hurt worse when I moved and my shirt would touch it. Anyway, that is much better now. The other huge discomfort was having a great deal of my toe nail removed which might not sound that bad but on an already very tender toe, it was almost, not quite, but almost
excruciating. They think I have a bone spur on the end of my big toe that has caused my nail to curve and grow back into and around the bone. Kinda icky, huh? Anyway, that's the story - nothing serious going on yet. So no need to worry - just routine stuff and I'll keep you posted.
Thank you for all of your well wishes and for your sweet concern and I'm sorry to have worried you!It's been a long strange week with lots of weird stressful things going on - some too strange or too hard to explain (including a two day ordeal with the my local post office that turned out find in the end - long story, but there were 3-4 other significant and stressful strange things going on). My family thinks my planets must be out of alignment and I need to just wrap myself in bubble wrap, dig a cave, and hide until the planets put themselves back where they belong. I'm considering it. I certainly have been drawing lots of negative happenings lately. But today, I wanted to make something positive and happy, finally! I wish you could see this one in person. It looks much better right in front of you and in its mat. You can't really tell in this picture but she is sitting on a swing over water that is reflecting the stars above. Since it is an 8 x 10 piece the largest size of picture on blogspot makes it look so far away and small!
Soul Stars
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 9/6/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, print, download or use this image in any way without my permission.
This is a large 8 x 10 collage using a body from lisasalteredart.etsy.com, a face from flickr's Suzee Que, wings from greatmusings.com, crown from spiceitup.etsy.com, red borders from Anahata Katkin's Spare Parts, black and white border from Crowabout.etsy.com, and a swing from Lorie Davison at Studio Lorie at Scrapbookgraphics.com. All of these pieces were reprinted, hand trimmed with scissors, and hand colored with ink and pastel. The blue background is also from Lorie Davison at Studio Lorie at Scrapbookgraphics.com and the stars are from Maya Studio Maya at Scrapbookgraphics.com.
The words are my own.
close up view
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 9/6/09. All rights reserved. You may NOT copy, print, download or use this image in any way without my permission. Credits listed with image above.
I have been blessed this week with some lovely gifts from some lovely ladies. If this is a result of my planets being out of alignment to reap such rewards, then I will put up with the weird stuff a lot longer! First,
Pam of Yoborobo sent me one of her magic dolls. It must be magic because it came just in time to cuddle with after my painful toe appointment! (Sorry for the boring picture of it - I scanned it as my camera is not cooperating tonight). It is adorable in person and just the right size to hold and snuggle. And it felt like it was plum full of warm fuzzy hugs. I love it!

Then, my friend Suzan (aka
Zibelline on flickr) sent me a whole huge shipment of ATC's! Oh my goodness, I've never received so many lovely cards at once! Look at these . . .

They are incredible and charming and full of Halloween fun, which I, for one, am so ready for! I am tired of hot old icky dry dusty smokey summer in SoCal. I could almost feel the crispness of fall whoosh by when I opened Suzan's lovely envelope. Thank you Zib! I adore them all!
And that's not all! My friend Renee (aka flickr's
Nayski) sent me a Wish Fish! Renee is so talented in so many mediums, she amazes me. Bet you can't guess what this fish was made from!
(again, sorry for the poor picture as I had to scan it - it is so gorgeous in person!)

Did you figure out that this lovely fish was made from an aluminum can? Nayski is famous for her can creations and inventive details. This piece is just so cool! I just am so tickled and proud of this fish, I have not enough words to tell you!
Lastly, tonight, I am so behind in answering emails and comments. If I'm supposed to be getting back to you on something and haven't, please pester me! I feel so out of whack and like I am forgetting stuff I'm supposed to be doing. A few more days and I should be back up to speed! I have to finish a few more pieces before I feel I can relax. My etsy is empty of originals again and I have one more piece I have to do for someone waiting on it.
After I get just a bit more made, I am dedicating the week to blog visiting and flickr visiting! And then, all will be right in my world again!