Oct 13, 2009

An elephant stepped on me . . .

. . . I think. I mentioned that a little over a week ago I twisted my back. It feels like an elephant stepped on it. I've never had back problems, never injured my lower back before. I still think I hurt it getting in my daughter's car which is much lower than the truck I am used to. Then, after sitting and spending so much time on my blog last week, I think I just made it worse and I could barely move over the weekend. Saw a chiropractor yesterday and my spine was straight as an arrow but completely twisted - like someone took one end in one hand and the other end in the other hand and twisted in opposite directions. I got some relief but have to go back today. I can't sit more than a half hour or so at a time and walking after I sit is just . . . no words. So, I haven't been on the computer or working much since Thursday. I am so anxious to get back to work! I just can't seem to get all of my ducks in a row at one time lately.

Anyway, until then, here is an old advertisement you can use. (click for larger version to download) It's from the Library of Congress with no restrictions. Enjoy and I'll be back soon!



ScrapAddict said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Jill said...

So sorry to here about your back - my chiropractor is my 'my best friend' try to keep moving (gently) and hope you feel better soon.

Brenda Grace said...

I'mholding my breath in anticipation of your next piece! On the note of your back, I can say I was the same till 6 months ago and the best relief and fast fix according to my chiro was all the power walking in the pool each day - great movement with out strain provided a fast healing process. O and we are the same age too!

yoborobo said...

Oh, Marsha - I'm so sorry to hear about your owie. Tell the elephant to BACK AWAY. Take it easy, be very gentle to your poor back. Feel better soon! xoxo Pam

Veronica said...

I wish you a speedy recovery.

Becky Bunn said...

Ouch I feel your pain. I have suffered for years with back pain. Jill is right keep moving. Remember Ice is nice. That's what my chiropractor always says

VS said...

'Hope' is the limited print I got from you recently. I chose that I because I think it's one word that says soooo much in so many ways. I HOPE this back pain is gone quickly & that you can come back & play with all of us in blogland soon! Thanks for your fun image...Feel Better! :)

Tina(Taken over by her daughter, Nicole) said...

oh..hope you get 'back' soon on the right track..Thinkin' of ya ;)

sharon said...

Sorry to hear about your back...I get it a lot. I loooove my chiropractor, and have learned that I have to be very very careful. In other words, we are getting old! Hope you feel better soon!

indybev said...

Sorry to hear about your back, Marsha. Love your new blog look! Hope the back gets back to normal soon!

roc said...

so sorry to hear you aren't feeling up to snuff. i hope you feel better as soon as possible!

.Trudi Sissons said...

Hi Marsha - Sorry to hear about your injury and wish you a speedy recovery. Thanks for the image too!

Hayley Egan said...

Your blog looks great. Now for the back advice: If there is pain it's because of the inflamation where you've twisted it.... I don't like taking non-natural meds, but when i hurt myself last year, I took ibroprofene which allowed me, as Jill suggested, to keep moving gently. Combined with your Chiro manovres it should straighten itself out... Hope it does sooner rather than later. X

Moniqui said...

I hope you feel better soon! Take care!

Janny said...

It's very painful, I know. I wish you all the best and I hope you recover soon but take your time!
Take care!

Leslie said...

Get well soon, Miss Marsha!

Terri Kahrs said...

1. Cute print. Thanks for sharing.
2. OMG! There's nothing worse than back pain (except tooth pain). You poor darling! I'm sending a ton of healing vibes and hope you heal quickly. Love & (gentle) hugs! Terri xoxo

aliceinparis said...

Your blog looks great! Now we have to work on you, poor thing.
Until your back goes, you have no idea just how important it is. Ouch!
I am terrified of Chiropractors, Just one CRACK and oops.... didn't help that I just read a Robin Cook or maybe it was a Patterson book and there was a rant in it about..I won't even go there...... lol. Lots of my friends swear by them but I just can't. I do hope that your injury is QUICK to mend!!! Enforced inaction is hard to take.
I am battling a cold myself but with liberal quantities of garlic and tea and COLD FX, I am hoping to blast it away in record time:)

WingingIt said...

feel better and thanks for the elephant!!!

Tace said...

I'm playing Ketchup, it's like catch-up but is funnier to write and I do it doused in tomato products. Not really, but if you can't exaggerate in a blog comment where can ya? :D
Sorry about your back, it sucks major donkey butt when the back gets hurt. It's like suddenly you realize how much a part of the whole standing and walking process involves the back. Weird.
I am going to psychicly guess you'll start feeling better after a couple of chiropractor visits. I'm not just saying that cause I read through your posts before commenting on this one *grins*, OR am I?