I have been so distracted from art this week and so frustrated about it, I can't tell you! Aargh. Everything in the world has popped up to be taken care of this week. Time sped up and left me racing in circles I didn't want to run in. I have promised myself that I would participate every week in Nancy Baumiller's Collage Play with Crowabout challenges, so racing the clock, again, I got this in today . . .

You can read its description and image credits here
http://www.flickr.com/photos/10516787@N06/3451633172/in/pool-collage_play_with_crowabout I look at this and I can tell I was rushing. I promise you that I don't look at everyone else's art with the same eyes I use to look at mine. I am far more critical with myself, but I think that is natural. We start with an idea and when we don't see it to fruition, we meet it with self criticism. I am going to rework it - there are some problem areas. But a long time ago, I promised I would post the pieces I didn't like along with the pieces that I did. Enough about that.
I need to be gone tomorrow and part of Sunday.
One of my best friends in the world is jumping out of an airplane tomorrow for the first time (that seems funny to write) so I need to be there.
Oh, we all need our friends and support when we take leaps, all of them, big and small. So, I won't be around for a day or two but then I am focusing on art (my Etsy is almost empty) and blog visiting and flickr commenting all week next week - FOR SURE! I need it. I need to do all of it for me - I'm thirsty and hungry for art, making it, seeing it, appreciating it, talking about it . . .
But, talking about taking leaps . . . You may have seen Leslie's name in the comments here on my blog. She has been one of my most constant and consistent customers and supporters and encouragers. I cannot tell you how much she has given me. I can never repay it. She doesn't have a blog for you to visit yet. She doesn't have a flickr for you. But I have seen her art and it is original and amazing and so begging to be seen by the world. And I've told her what I thought. This has been hard for Leslie to do, to share her art with the world. I totally get why. It's a scary thing.
But, Leslie took a leap and she shared her art. She submitted work to the Mississippi University for Women's 125th Anniversary Alumni Art Exhibition. Here's part of the message I received tonight
"There were 129 pieces and 70 artists. During the ceremony, I was floored when my name was called to receive one of four "group show awards". That means I and three other artists will be exhibited in a four-person group show in the University's Eugenia Summer Gallery in the spring of 2011. I was stunned." So, you can't move forward without the leaps. You can't be brave unless you do what you're afraid to do. And Leslie, you were brave and you took the leap and a whole new world is opening up for you right before our eyes. (now we just need a blog and flickr, woman, so we can support and harass you)
I am so honored and thrilled to know you and be able to watch this dream unfold for you. The first song on my play list is for you and I, baby. Here are the lyrics . . .
If you feel like singing a song
And you want other people to sing along
Just sing what you feel
Don’t let anyone say it’s wrong
And if you’re trying to paint a picture
But you’re not sure which colors belong
Just paint what you see
Don’t let anyone say it’s wrong(especially pointy hats and wings! hee hee)
And if you’re strung out like a kite
Or stung awake in the night
It’s alright to be frightened
When there’s a light (what light)
There’s a light (one light)
There’s a light (white light)
Inside of you
If you think you might need somebody
To pick you up when you drag
Don’t loose sight of yourself
Don’t let anyone change your bag
And if the whole world’s singing your songs
And all of your paintings have been hung
Just remember what was yours is everyone’s from now on