
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/13/09
5 x 7 collage using all black and white pictures reprinted from the public domain, trimmed and hand-colored.
I got so tired of making decisions on it that I took polls on the background, which I now think is too simple. But, I did the best I could do today. I have some bodies and faces and hats left over so I may send in some single portraits too if I get them done tonight. I definitely missed the luxury of not having a deadline or a deadline I could put off.
Also to the stress of the day, even though we turned our tax stuff in over a month ago, as is usually the case year after year, we didn't hear from the accountant until today. I've been sweating bullets since last week. I do this sweating bullets stuff year after year because our accountant is rrrreeeaaalllllyyy good and specializes in the movie industry (where hubby works), so I just drink heavily (not really) around this time of year and live in a fog until we get the results and I can go mail the papers off. This year, I'll be sending a check for over $4000 along with those papers! HOLY CARP! (much nicer to say than crap). HOLY CRAP, I mean CARP! I budgeted around $1000. So, needless to say, it was hard to focus on art at all today. There is some good news. I quit my job in 2008 so next year we should get money back. Did I say HOLY CRAP already? Just in case, HOLY CRAP! All of my art is now going to be priced at an even $100 a piece. (just kidding)
Better news. It's only money. As hubby says, that's what a savings account is for. (though I argue it should be going up not down!) We have a roof over our heads and food to eat and everyone is pretty healthy. So I'll leave you with a free verse poem my daughter wrote today for school. It is about us moving our kids from their home of 15 years to here last May leaving behind best friends and boy friends.
It doesn't make the same sound
Out here isn't the same ground
I'm supposed to be there but I'm here
Where life isn't so clean and clear
I smile to cover up the endless tears
It's not the same "me" I see in the mirrors
That your forever can be changed in one day
And when it changes, it takes your breath and leaves you with nothing to say
It's hard to find the old any more
And in the new living, life seems like such a chore
But I'll smile and laugh through it even if it wears me down to the core
Because, I refuse to let change win and close the door
I'll throw it open and live my life
and fight the pain, longing, and strife
So, I'm gonna keep smiling to crush the sadness and the sorrow
Because, today's the day . . . I might not have a tomorrow.
I LOVE it Marsha! I am so impressed with how you hand color your creations so wonderfully! Amazing!!!
Wowee to BOTH of you. You've produced the most wonderful piece of art and your daughter has produced a thought provoking beautiful piece of prose.
The stripe and polkadot background is perfect. It should be simple and not detract from your wonderful witch choir!! They're grand,---and so is your daughter's free verse. What a remarkably mature child, not to be sulking and pouting about the move, but trying to find the good in a trying time! I think your parenting skills must equal your artistic talent!
The ombre' witches hats are pure magic! And having these wonderfully colorful - yet very serious - witches stand against a starkly striped background is perfect!
I felt your daughter's angst when I read her insightful poem. She truly has a gift for words. Hugs xoxo
I think the background is perfect, really makes the colors pop! I'm with you, I don't often do 'holiday' art. But this piece is sooo fun I would have it up all year!
I really like it! Love the faces you selected too! Always love your work, and your daughter's poem is very befitting such a big move!
I think the "plain" background allows the figures to be the focus. I love the entire piece.
As for taxes and savings...we have a "savings" account for taxes, but taking money out of savings is almost impossible for m to do. Savings to me are untouchable which opposes the whole "what are we saving for" scenario.
Love your Halloween art. Your daughter's poem is lovely. High School is hard so much drama. Don't get me started on Taxes!!!!!!!!
Your Halloween entry is amazing! I just discovered your beautiful blog- your collage work is stunning.Thanks for sharing your daughter's lovely poem. I look forward to visiting again!
which witch are you?
kidding. don't go getting all carpy/crappy on me.
the art's great. your art is always fabulous.
speaking of, i framed "i wish i could fly." it rocks!
like your daughter's poem. awesome!
ok, gotta go bug someone else.
Holy Carp! I suffer from procrastination too. Its a horrible affliction. I also used to be really 'on to it' Whats happened? Still, like you said, we have many blessings to count, a home, food, family etc.
I like the black and white stripe background on this one.
I love the witches and the colors! And I'm so proud of your Somerset Studio whole page layout!!!!!! I haven't looked through all of it yet. I was saying to myself I wonder if any one I know is in here and the magazine just fell open to that page! WOW!
Lisa just emailed me a scan of the Somerset page with your art! Congratulations! The pieces look lovely!
So do the witches!! I love the intense color.
I love it! I love how the witches pop off the background! Excellent choice! I am not much for holiday art either...that is probably why you never see any LOL Unless I get a wild hair to paint! And your daughters poem..BEAUTIFUL! Moving is never easy...since the time I met my hub we have moved...***counting*** 7 times in almost 9 years! HOLY CARP!! So yes the poem hit home with me! I told my hub if we have to move again...he can go himself LOL
I see the colours of the rainbow! Pop over:)
I love your blog. The witches are wonderful, great job. I think the background is just perfect. Hug that poet child of yours and buy her a phone card for a special surprise so she can call some of those dear friends left behind. I know it can be hard. Encourage that poetic side of her too, it'll help with the transition, getting it all out. Cheap therapy so to speak. I'm off to check out your etsy shop.
Thank you everybody for all of your kind words. After much debate, I sent the piece off with a couple of single portraits too - I'll post later.
My daughter thanks you for your compliments. And, we giggled a bit because she is getting sympathy since she gets little from us. She really is doing fine - thank goodness for texting. And we are only an hour away from where we lived and we take her back constantly it seems. My older son seems to be the one most upset about moving but then he realizes he only has one year to go and life would've been different anyway.
Thank you again!
Witches are great....your daughter's poem is amazing....sorry about the tax bill :(
I love the background on this it really makes the sweet witches stand out!
Also I finished my ACEO and posted it with a link to your blog. Thank you again for the background and the hearts a while back. I am putting them to good use. And the best part is they make me think of you and that makes me smile:)
Hey Mama!!!
I'm shouting out to your art peeps!
It's the daughter idk how to do all this blogg-edy stuff, but just saying I'm really not a depressed person lol I was just in a sad mood that day and was assigned a free verse poem for english class sooo enuff said! haha You should buy my mom's stuff, cuz that would be cool and if youre like a movie guy, like set designer you should put it in a really popular show, so like the whole world could be like "Omagod what is that exquisite piece of art on the wall, I would pay like a gazillion dollars for it." And then I can go to Notre Dame and my mom is happy and life is good. So yeh thats all i haf to say!
peace and love
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