Finding Love

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/24/09
This is a 5 x 7 collage using body and legs from Lisa Kettell's, a face from the public domain, wings from, boots from a catalog, and flower stem from the public domain. All of the image pieces were slightly altered digitally then printed in black and white, carefully trimmed, and hand-colored with ink and pastel. The heart and crown were made from scrap pieces. Lastly, everything was arranged and attached to a background made of pieces from
This is how the pieces started

This is the back of the attached pieces to form the main image (8 separate pieces)

I had a great phone call from a good art internet friend that touched my heart and made my day. It's so fun to hear someone's real voice instead of the voice you imagine! Well, it made my day! It was a GREAT talk and really lifted my spirits. And, I got some very cool and beautiful art from Tracey (Angellea on flickr) - gorgeous work! And, and, my daughter just left for a dance and she looked so lovely. I'll post pictures later. And, and, and, the house is clean and bills are paid. All that's left to do is laundry tomorrow and a couple of errands and then Terri (Pringle Hill) told me to go to the beach so that's the plan for Sunday. Enjoy your weekend!
Oh! New music on the side bar. My new favorite is the first song. And a slide show at the bottom of the page.
Once again you've managed to construct a magical piece of art! I look at the pieces, and try to see what you see, and I can't!!!! Outstanding! Have a super wonderful weekend, and don't forget to wear your "waders"! xoxo
I love love lovvvvve the red and black dark colours of this piece. Kind of moody cool, if that makes sense. I have been slack about commenting but I always read. :) Been a busy month for us, I am off to visit the Canadians next week wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So should you not see any comments from me for a small while it's because I am too busy stuffing my face with poutine and donairs and non-pink cream soda and gallons of Timmy's to do so. ;)
You're a real magician girl! wouldn't mind picking one of those love flowers myself...and oh i want her legs!
Fun piece. I liked reading "the house is clean and the bills are paid" Nothing like getting those pesky distractions out of the way:)
Have a great weekend"))
fabulous piece of artwork there. love her boots! glad you little blah lifted! hope your daughter enjoyed the dance.
i am constantly amazed by your wonderful work!
I love her! And thank you for posting and showing how she was constructed. I still would love to watch when you handpaint!
Gorgeous!!! Would you look at those legs! They go on forever! I have long legs to but now I think they go on forever the opposite way! Heee! The colors in this piece are so beautiful...deep..dee-lish! You have an eye to see things in images that I would never catch! It is beautiful how you pull it all together! Have a wonderful time at the beach...don't forget your wish in a bottle!! xoxo
I'll add my accolades to all the rest. You put so much work into each piece, I can't believe how prolific you are. I can hardly wait from one piece to the next, I enjoy them so much!
Marsha I do believe this is one of my favorite pieces. I love the photo of the lady you used. I have used her many times her eyes are so dreamy.
As always BRAVO!!!!!!
You never fail to amaze me with your wondrous talent. This is just wonderful and happy and inspired.
Thank you for sharing,it's a fabulous piece of work;O)
Thank you for sharing the creative process! I love it.
All I can say is I want one of each,or each piece is JUICY in color!
This piece is so lovely, Marsha ! I love her !
So glad you had a good day. May tomorrow be some more of the same !
Much love,
Um, Marsha, I want this one, I must have it. It's not on etsy and it's causing me to hyperventilate and not care how to spell hyperventilate for that matter, which is very out of character for me. so email me about it. I'll be the one breathing in a paper bag.
I love this one! I think it's my new favorite. The colors are just wonderful. Love that red!!! and her face. Fabulous work as always.
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