Apr 21, 2013


It's been a long week here in America.  While, like everyone else, I've had my own personal challenges of late, the events of the last week put those personal challenges in perspective.  I was reminded of the steadfast hope, determination, and resilience upon which this country was founded.

I haven't had a chance to create much lately.  I needed to clear my head last night and this is what came to the surface.  She is supposed to represent the spirit of America.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/20/2013.  All rights reserved.
Digital.  Image credits:  face from lady image in Freestyle, hair from Unpredictable, crown from Journaling Pieces 1, wings from I'm with the Band, body altered from Summer Junque, background created from pieces in Random Journal Cards, Winter Junque, and frame in Once Upon a Time freebie.

1 comment:

Sueann said...

And she does it well
Love it