copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 6/24/09
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from flickr's sassyarts', part of a body from the Library of Congress, waders and boots scanned from a catalog. The flower and wings were purchased from Jen Ulasiewicz Designs, the grass was purchased from Digital Delights. The top border was purchased from Sandy Krieger. The hat was made from scrap papers. All but the grass were printed, hand trimmed with scissors and hand-colored and glued to the background. The background was made from merging a layer from flickr's moosebites and one from anwphotography. The words and grass were added digitally. The character,flower and top border are not digital pieces.
Well mine own self is off kilter. I am happy, not stressed, not depressed but so off pace. I just can't move quickly enough lately and cannot seem to get anything done despite being very busy doing something, I don't know what! I only have a few days before I am out of town again, so I need to be makin' hay while the sun shines.
Interruption and amended post update! I've been making my blog rounds tonight, finally. It's about 3 or 4 hours since I posted this post and I just left Nancy Baumiller's Crowabout blog - you will not believe this. I swear I had no idea but when I visited her blog, but I found she had a piece, a beautiful piece, with the exact same words! You must see it http://crowabout.blogspot.com/2009/06/always-be-true-to-yourself.html#comment-form. Now this would be a little funnier if this were not the second time this has happened with us. Good thing we are not in the same office or classroom, we'd come to work together in the same clothes. I'm so sorry Nancy!
The kids are home. School is finally over this year. It doesn't bother me much as they sleep until 2 everyday - they seem so tired the first few days of summer. The "mom, I'm bored" thing and the arguing thing are not issues at this age. They are never bored and get along very well and actually entertain me quite a bit with their interaction antics. I cannot believe my little babies will be a junior and senior in high school next year. It seems like just the other day I was bawling my head off after taking my oldest to kindergarten the first day. Yikes!
Okay, now for a real visual feast for you. I met Mr. Dan Jones and his Tinkerbots after he stumbled across my flickr. Oh my, was the pleasure all mine! His work just astounds me. I just met him yesterday but got permission to post some pix of his magical pieces. The poor man. I wrote and asked if had a website or blog and when I found he didn't, I sent him a very long sermon on getting his stuff more "out there" than just on flickr. I am so excited about his work I am giddy! You must go look through every page of his flickr here. Until you can get over there, here are just a very few of his creations . . .

(see the tea kettle?)

(of course had to show you one with wings and pointy hat)
When Dan gets a website, blog, or etsy going, I'll let ya know. I'm keeping my eye on him. Ya all go over and give him some whistles on flickr!
Beautiful collage- I so love your style- you've created a world of your own and I really like the tinkerbots- fascinating and wondrous things out there!
Thanks for sharing these photos!
I just LOVE Dan's robots! And he is one of the nicest people on the planet. So yeah, he needs a website! :) Go, Tinkerbots!!
I love your "former wallflower"...she's preparing to run with scissors!
"To thine own self be true" My Mother's favorite saying. Sorta hard to do when you are a people pleaser...Hope your Dad is better every day. Hugs, Diane
Hey Honey...I'm thinking maybe your body is telling you to slow down...I know it's hard with the family and having to go away again but I've learned that we really need to listen to our body or it'll just down tools! Your collage is beautiful...I'm all for celebrating the oddness in each of us! Take care...
It's all good!! I am giggling over it all! All I have to say is great minds think alike! hee hee I love this new piece..he is cute as can be in his overalls and rubber boots...I can't help but picture him flying around saying "YEhaww and git r' dun!! lol I think I've been living in the country too long! lol He is adorable!!!!!! xoxo
LOVE the Metal work!!! Outstanding!
And I feel your pain. I have lists of things to do, and never seem to be able to cross much off.
Time gets away from me, and the day is gone.
As my dear old mother used to say
"Not enough hours in the day."
And you should see my work table....YUCK!
Be Well....
Thanks for your kind words!! I, too, enjoy visiting your blog and the delight that waits for me there !!!
I can totally understand what you mentioned about your children growing up....my oldest (also a senior in the fall) was certainly just yesterday hanging his little coat on the hook in his first grade classroom !! WHERE did that time go and oh, to have it back for one more day. Another milestone for me this year as my youngest graduated elementary school....another chapter closes forever....ahhh....it's hard to be a mom :)
Thanks for all the joy I find here at your blog !!
wonderful blog! I'll be back to visit for sure!!!
thos tinkerbots are so cool! yes, he needs a blog. Thanks for stopping by mine... I am so amazed by your art and how you pull it all together from all over the place! I love that you and your friend are working off one brain too! so funny!
I just love what you do! :) Maybe we could trade art :) you would be getting the shorter end of the stick though (hee hee)
As always Marsha your work is just breathtaking and one of these days I'm going to own one.
Tinkerbots! Wow! They are very original aren't they?
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!! I've missed way too much of your blog. OH WOW! You've been busy as a bee, and I absolutely LOVE the transition of your art. The backgrounds are changing and growing in to some magnificent art all on their own.
You collages are spectacular! Love
'Whisper' from a previous post as well as 'To thine own self be true'!
AND a super duper congrats on being in Somerset AGAIN! You go girl! Well deserved.
I've got to go check out your etsy.
LOVE the necklace you made.
Can't wait to see what you end up doing with all the stuff you bought to create like Linda & Opie!
Love their art. I'm sure you'll make some beautiful things once you decide to start playing with your junk stash!
Thanks for sharing your new flickr friend. His work is awesome. I'll go check him out!
Have a great weekend!
wow I saw the painting of the sisters you did on another site, and I thought wow, and I am pleased now I have found you and can say wow to you in person! so WOW!
Hey Marsha!
Lovey collage and words to live by, even if sometimes in this world it gets harder and harder to "be true to yourself".
I got my Formica chips, postcards and the wonderful fairy pendant! I love it all, thank you so much!
Love your collage work, this piece is very inspiring and Dan's work is amazing.
Thank you Marsha for the kind words. I'm amazed at your work. It's so colorful and well thought out. You have a wonderful talent.How did you learn? Im always interested in how people get to where they are. I'm glad to meet you.
beth at barn owl studio.
You and Nancy B.....great minds, pretty amazing!!! Love it!
You have such a great touch with your wondrous creations!
Some days I feel like I'm spinning, spinning....then I try and focus on what I have accomplished....and by golly oftentimes it's quite a lot :)
oxo ~*~ Patty
You are just the best, my loyal viewer. I tried to catch up on you blog last night, but my computer just froze.. and dragged... nice eh?.. It's all better now. Must defrag more often.
Congratulations on your latest Publishing! you are just amazing, and a constant inspiration to me.. really you are!
I am marveling at the growing list of publications where all of us fans can see your work!!!
Please tell your new friend Dan to send the winged robot my way.
Thank you for the wonderful comments you left on my blog, you are the most generous person!
Your Pal,
What a great new piece you did. Your work is always delightful and is so you! LOVE the robots, they are very creative and fun!!!
Still creating amazing artworks and love the robots.
Have a great creative day!
Cheers Rebecca xoxoxox
ooohhhhhh . . ahhhhhhhh!!! Marsha, I LOVE this piece! Altogether beautiful!
I hope your trip will be refreshing for you and you return home feeling better! {{HUGS}} ~Stacey
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