I'm also not sure that this piece below is done. I am tired and kind of half finished it. I'll look at it in a couple of weeks and see what else I want to do. For now . . . it, or its idea, is dedicated to Lumi of Lumilyon and Susan of Broken Heart Art who helped me open my eyes to parts of me I had long since shut away. Those things, even the scary and sad and hurt parts, need to be thought through every now and then to gain perspective. My eyes have been opened a bit, at least as far as seeing myself. So, thank you, you two, for a very meaningful few days.
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 6/28/09
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from kumareeboo.etsy.com, a body from flickr's FatmaD, eyes from flickr's s11ver, boots scanned from a magazine and hats made from scrap. All were printed in black and white, trimmed with scissors, and hand-colored. These pieces were attached to a background made from pieces from flickr's Joes Sistah and borders by Sande Krieger.
Before I take off I want to show you some of the very special mail I've received lately. Melissa of Honey Girl Studio blog sent me a scrumptious matchbox set in a recent swap we were a part of. The matchbox contained 5 mini-ATC's, a silver seahorse charm and a tiny shell. All of this was just amazingly beautiful.

Melissa also sent me a pendant she made. On the front, Melissa captured a guardian angel for me with a little blue triangle up in the corner because she is so durn thoughtful and clever. The little blue triangle comes from this post of mine http://tumblefishstudio.blogspot.com/2009/06/somethings-in-my-cloud-mystery.html That is just about the coolest thing EVER!

This is the lovely back of the same pendant. Thank you Melissa! You are a sweetheart and a very talented artist and I love the pieces you sent me!

My friend, Verna Rosenblum of Bird Bee and Bloom blog, sent me two pieces too. You may remember she and I were going to trade bee fairies. Here was mine http://tumblefishstudio.blogspot.com/2009/05/busy-as-bee-today.html Verna, being the super cool sweet human she is, sent an extra piece after I mentioned how much I loved her Egg Snatcher piece. She made one just for me! I love them both, Verna. They are spectacular! Thank you dear friend!

And last but not least, Janine Davies of Bits and Pieces blog, sent me this pendant and hand made card from the One World One Heart Event. They are beautiful and special and I appreciate them so much!

Okay, so my Etsy is closed down for a couple of weeks. I will be checking here off and on but the first and last few days will be mostly car, driving, stretching, motel-ing days and it may be a few days before I check back in. But I will and I will be checking on all of your blogs too as much as I can. After this trip, I should be home and working a good long time and I can't wait to really dive in!
It's almost July! Wow! Happy 4th of July everyone!
Marsha love, you are amazing! You took the time to make that beautiful card even though you're heading out of the door! The stance of the figure says it all: defiant! Thank you, you deserve all the wonderful gifts and more x
Beautiful work, beautiful friends, beautiful trades....xoSusan
So much beautiful art -- from you and from your friends...now go and have a wonderful vacation!!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful,new treasures! They're all so gorgeous. Lucky You!
Am sending you a big "hug" for a safe trip home, Marsha! Enjoy your time with your family and make tons of happy new memories along the way! Love & Hugs, Terri xoxo
Marsha - I'm thinking you should open an art gallery, girl. :) What talent there is! I have got to go look at everyone's work that posts here. Such beautiful things. The new piece of yours is great (well, they're all great, but I am running out of adjectives and I hold you responsible). It's very good to stop and take stock of oneself, and to allow those ch...ch...ch...changes. LOL!
Have a wonderful vacation, my dear friend. RELAX. Eat lots of ice cream. Chase the fireflies. I'll miss you! xoxox Pam
I loved this last piece you were working on as you were getting ready to leave. A road trip can do wonders for your soul. And you will have plenty of miles of open road. Enjoy the journey!
Beautiful array of artwork to be seen here! I also loved seeing your page in "Somserset Studio" this month- congrats! Happy 4th!
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