I leave here about 4 this afternoon to get to the airport (and allow my ride to get home before dark) and leave the airport about 9 tonight (when it is supposed to be the most thunderstormy). I hope I don't have too exciting of a ride to the airport or from the airport. I'm such a big fat chicken about flying, my stomach is already doing flip flops.
Tomorrow, I am sleeping and sleeping and laying on the couch and watching movies and then my family and I are going to go see Up either tomorrow night or Saturday. I hope to be back at work and blogging and flickring by Sunday. Thanks for all of your help on this trip! You all helped get me through it, again! For the next trip I make here in a couple of weeks, I will have my hubby and kids with me so that will be easier - and no flying involved, I hope. (unless I have to come back sooner than planned)
Fly away home, you cloud surfer !
Hugs from me !
Have a super safe trip!!!! Big smiles!
Marsha - keep an eye out for that alien cloud thing up there! Be sure to wave! :) While you're flying, just pat Florence on the head. All will be well! Home is just around the corner. xox Pam
Marsha, I burst into tears the minute I step foot on a plane and have to be sedated with quadruple gin and tonics!!! Safe trip home love x
oh gosh, i hate to fly, too. i'm leaving in a few days and i'm already getting all tense about it....
but you'll be fine!
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