copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/22/09
5 x 7 collage using a face from the public domain, body from lisasalteredart.etsy.com, petals from spiceitup.etsy.com, shoes from phenomenon1859.etsy.com, all reprinted and washed with ink or hand-colored, and trimmed, and arranged on a background of papers from Grahpic 45 and Bo Bunny, with stamped orange dots, an ink wash and drawn lines. Words were made from letters cut from images in the public domain.
adorable! (as always!)
I like that she doesn't have wings... she's an earth dwelling fairy. Also love the stylized hills/flowers. X
OMG the first thing I noticed was not wings. Quick, get the thermometer out -- do you have a fever?
I like her -- change is good
I love her! And I love the sentiment!
I just want to HUG her! Too cute! And, thank you again, Marsha, for checking in on my over the weekend. Things are finally getting back to normal (or as normal as they ever could or would be with me!!!!!) Love & Hugs, Terri xoxoxo
Another gorgeous piece! I love all the wonderful details.
Gaby xo
I have missed WAY too many days of blog stalking... I love the wings on your 'wish' piece from several days ago! Love this newest piece also, and the previous days' and on and on... REally wish I had time to take that journey at Ginny's right now but
don't have 14 hours available right now! After my daughter goes back to college and my husband takes off on his business trip next week I will be camping out at my computer and visiting EVERYBODY again.
Have a great week and hope to be back in the land of BLOG soon!
hugs to ya!
I LOVE her shoes...I had some like them centuries ago.
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