
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/20/09
5 x 7 collage using a face from Spark Your Imagination's Elements No. 1, a body from, and an egg from, all reprinted, carefully trimmed, and hand-colored, an arranged on a watercolored antique encyclopedia page with stamped circles, and scrap paper borders.
I don't know how much arting I'll get done tonight or tomorrow. It may be Sunday before I get anything done and I have some trade and swap pieces to do. Thank you for all of your kind comments as always. I just love getting to the computer and finding your sweet words and friendly visits (how egotistical am I? Enough to say, keep coming back and making me feel good!) I did figure out something about why I can't make what I have in my head. I am so inspired by so many of you and many other collage artists. I look at your work and want to emulate it but I just can't seem to do it. I think it is because I am such a control freak. I work too tidy and neat and orderly and because of that I lose the expressive whimsy a lot of you are able to create. This shall be my new goal but it will be in baby steps so don't expect any changes or miracles overnight. It is good, though, to be figuring things out.
I figured something else out. I have been spelling mat as matte when speaking of the border around art. I just figured out that was incorrect. How embarrassing. I have to go and edit all of my etsy listings.
I hope you all have a great, fun, and restful weekend. Spring feels great doesn't it?
I'm a huge fan of your work! I keep thinking I want to try some zetti-ish pieces, but just don't know how to start.
So I'll just keep looking at yours and enjoying them!
Hiya, Happy Spring to you! Sounds like you will be springing around all day today with your driving duties and errands:) Have a good one:)
isn't that the truth marsha?..when you try to do what someone else "you" get lost in the shuffle. you just have to be true to yourself and do your own thing. remember, no one can do your art except you!
Your works are getting more and more colorful!
If you haven't left to shop yet, when my DD (darling daughter) needed new dresses we found Robinson's - May, to usually have the best and most affordable selection. And by senior year the girls were all getting so thrifty, they loaned each other dresses, it is ok for a friend to wear what you wore at the last dance but heaven forbid you certainly can't wear the same thing!
Have happy fun shopping, I think the next shopping we will be doing will be for a wedding dress in a couple years LOL
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