What a weird day! Good weird, not bad weird. I could not keep up with Etsy today. I knew I had a few pieces to mail out but today was a banner day in my Etsy. The biggest selling day to date. It just kept going and going! I don't know if Suzan and Linda mentioning me in their blogs did the trick or flickr or what, but I sold the piece I made today before I took it out of the scanner (almost sold it three times - had to juggle the interested parties a bit but it all worked out where everyone was happy) and several other things. I've sold 8 pieces of art in less than a week and a few other little things from Etsy. Of course, I had not prepped any pieces ahead of time as I haven't had things just fly outa here lately. (note to self, prep things for mailing as you make them) So, I had to make signature plates for the backs (which involves printing out the details and cutting and glueing down), had to make sure everything was glued down snug, mat them, package them, print out receipts, throw in some goodies, and package them for mailing. I AM NOT COMPLAINING! It was great! A little crazy, but GREAT! I mean REALLY great! Like, almost better than sex great. Maybe. At my age, it's a toss up. So thank you Muses and Gods and Suzan and Linda and Flickr and Etsy and most wonderful customers! It was a GREAT day (if you couldn't tell).
I thought you might like to see how today's piece started out. Here is the image. You can download it. It's from the Library of Congress and copyright free.

I obviously cut off the heads and used others, larger ones that I hand-colored, but I also cut off the legs and feet and cut and glued in the ones I liked the best. Also cut off a couple of team members, cut out the basketball (well, it's not cut out just covered by a big blue fish) and hand-colored the arms and necks and knees where they were showing. I colored the shirts too with a brick white wash. All the cutting and coloring was done by hand, all glued down on a background. The only thing I did digitally was increase the contrast. Everything was printed in grayscale except the stage front which I purchased from suppliestogo.etsy.com. I made the sign and stars in Publisher, printed them, cut them, and added an itty bitty smidge of glitter (which doesn't show in the scan). Are you still awake? Have I bored you to death? Here, again, performing just for you in the Tumble Fish Theater are The Five Fabulous Fish Flingers of Finland.

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/25/09
I mentioned that my husband inspired this. I had the main bodies cut out last night and was going to make them bird throwers (which I still plan to do in one form or another in the next day or two) but my husband suggested making them fish flingers and I giggled and liked it so that's how it came to be. You'll notice there are 5 girls, stars on their hats have 5 points, there are 5 words in the sign that start with the letter F, but only 4 fish. The 5th fish got flung.
p.s. I hope I'm still here in a few days. Tace, do you have the shelter built yet? We may need it. I'm bringin' the slim jims. We're supposed to have a big fat earthquake in the next week or so according to the warnings on the news - lots a little ones happening, has everyone a little shaky (pun intended). No one has earthquake insurance anymore because it isn't available anymore because the insurance companies spent too much saving us from past ones. Why is it then that people keep getting insurance for hurricanes and floods? They happen way more often than earthquakes. Hmmmm.
Good weird days are the best. They're like a container of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream that's been reduced to just...well...ice cream from all the cookie dough mining excavations and then you open up the ice cream and BOOM! cookie dough, LIKE MAGIC. Good, weird, cause you were sooo sure you ate all the cookie dough. I love days like that!
It's cool being arty crafty isn't it? I love the feeling of satisfaction in that sort of busy-ness. As opposed to sweeping/vacuuming/hunting dust bunnies sort of busy-ness.
CONGRATULATIONS on your most super awesome Etsy day! When I have days like that I squack, like a chicken, not very feminin but it's the sound that emerges on an awesome Etsy day. HAHAHAHA
p.s. I do not have my post boom-locka-boom shelter built yet, I can't decide what sort of radiation defelcting paint I want. The green is so pretty but the black hides everything so well...and we all know post boom-locka-boom dirt is the worse.
p.p.s. an earthquake..*sigh*...maybe it'll be one of those cute California Cows kind?????
p.p.p.s. When I first moved to California I was so keyed up waiting for my FIRST official earthquake that I JUMPED at every car that rumbled past.
YaY for YOU, Miss Marsha!!! I'm sitting here, half asleep (it's only 7:30 a.m. on the East Coast), and mentally jumping up and down for your success!!!! Well deserved!!!!
Hi Marsha,
Congrats on all the well deserved Etsy success !That is so great.
You may have had a weird day but is was sure productive in the end ! Who cares if white socks are the order of the day when you got so much more important stuff done ?;-) I definitely loved seeing how you went from that great photo to your fantastic fish flingers !(Can't say that without a smile !)
Hope your week goes from weird to wonderful !
ox ox
Hooray for the sales! you needed a wee boost after all the stress you've been having! I love the Flingers:)) You are so very creative!!
How can they predict a big earthquake? I did not know they could do that. I hope they are WRONG.
I have never felt one and I think I would be terrified to have the earth move under my feet. Just reminded myself of Carol King.
Cheers, Shelagh
Oh, you will have MANY more days like today sweetie! So, yes, do pack it as soon as the glue dries! LOL!! Thanks for the welcome back. I am having a hard time having to actually cook again:)
I love seeing your process for the Fish Flingers from Finland. And I too LOVE the Library of Congress. I drool over their collection all the time. Your art is so special and so you Marsha. tahnk you so much for sharing it with us.
PS-Stay safe from the earthquakes!
Forever Faithful Friend, Jamie
PPS-About the white socks and clogs. Don't fret. I drove the kids to school this morning totally barefoot:) Jamie
Congrats on a red letter Etsy day !! How great is that !! and you are so talented and well-deserved :)
Please visit my blog..someone special has left me something and I want to share :-)
I crocheted a new dog out of the hair on my floor!
That flingers thing was pure genius! I would never have known it was cut out from something so dry and dull.
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