The Recess Club

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/23/09
5 x 7 collage using faces from the public domain, bodies from, both reprinted and all carefully trimmed and most hand-colored, hats and background made with papers from Graphic 45, Scenic Paper Route, and Bo Bunny.
Available for purchase at
The text reads "From left to right: 1. doodles on homework, 2. talks too much, 3. sings in line, 4. daydreams during class, 5. whistles while working"
They would all have been benched at recess when I was a kid, poor creative things.
Oh my goodness - ADORABLE! I love these latest collages - wings or no wings!
This piece is terrific...with or without wings! Love it!
Gaby xo
Marsha I love stopping here:) Always brings a smile. With wings or without these little guys are just to cute! Your artwork inspires me! Not much time to create this week but am looking forward to next. Maybe I can get something done!
Thank you so much for all of the info for my blog. I will have to start from scratch so have to find enough time to sit down and do that. Have a magical and creative day!
Sending you HUGE HUGS
These guys are fantastic! What a rogues' gallery!
I love your captions! And as usual, your collage work is to die for.
Too cute! And as lisa said, the captions are great.
Happened upon your blog, and wanted to stop to say how much I enjoyed reading and viewing your stuff.
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