Just Imagine

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/28/09
5 x 7 collage using a face from Spark Your Imagination's Elements No. 1, body from lisaslalteredart.etsy.com, wings from phenomenon1859.etsy.com, shoes and legs from personal photograph scraps, all reprinted, trimmed, and hand-colored, letters for words from public domain, all arranged on scrap papers.
I am off to shower and go to Micheal's for mats. Today is my do what I want day so I may try to add another piece before the day is over. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
love your piece of artwork. i often wished i could fly! wouldn't that be awesome?!! hope you got something fabulous at michaels! i love that store.
I love her Marsha ! I want an outfit exactly like hers and wings too !
Happy Saturday !
If this was a struggle, it certainly doesn't show in the final piece. I headed over to Etsy to see if it was there, and to my great pleasure (for you) and disappointment (for me), it was already sold. Congratulations!!! I love that your work is flying off the shelves! Go Marsha, go Marsha, go Marsha! (There's a dance that goes with that. I'll let you use your imagination.) :) Hugs! Shelly
Gorgeous again! i love your work, your style and the bright colors!
These colors are amazing! i love the turquoise and jade combinination with the black checkerboard, Marsha. And I absolutely covet tht dress!
She's gorgeous! We had a lovely day here too, with sun shining and warm temps, the only difference is that there is snow on the ground here:)lol
I ran right over to Etsy to see if I could buy this but oh well it was not there...I love your work Marsha. Hugs, Diane
Marsha I just love visiting you! And when are you having a book published? I do hope soon! And I hope you share some of your wonderful techniques. Like what you use to color your pieces:) Hope your weekend is fild with magic and creativity!
You are getting soooooo good at this!!!! Not that you weren't before, but WOW you have blossomed and bloomed, girl!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!
LOVE it! The black with white polka dots is great!! Love her legs and sneakers too. Does NOT looked like you struggled one bit. Wonderful for you to have a day all to yourself. I plan to have quite a few days all by my self to stay in my pj's and do some art. Wish the weather here was as glorious as yours... Oh well one of these days we'll actually have spring.
BY the way...I"M BACK to the land of blogging.
have a wonderful week and I'll be checking in regularly.
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