copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 3/17/09
ATC on watercolored and stamped background using a bird and dress from lisasalteredart.etsy.com, hand-colored face from outsider-artists.net , shoes from Dover clipart, wings from jackandcatcurio and scrap trims.
It is a Happy Day cuz I am a winner baby! Oh yeah, uhuh! Okay, not a winner as in a great person, but winner as in I WON SOMETHING COOL AGAIN! This is my lucky year, I swear. I keep winning blog giveaways and especially nice ones at that! Tonight I won some original surprise art from Cathy of Reflections of a Rambling Girl (aka pinkbirdgirl). I don't know exactly what it I'll receive yet, but I know it will be uberfabulous! I am so excited. I need to go buy some lottery tickets. Anyway, Cathy is part of a blog movement paying kindnesses forward. So, I will have a pay it forward giveaway too to keep the momentum going. I will try to do it in the next month or so. If you win, you have to give something away too.
I am working on my Collage Play with Crowabout challenge. Challenge being the key word for me. I struggle with these so. Not that Nancy doesn't give you great elements to use, I just can't seem to pull them altogether in my style. I shall prevail, eventually.
Don't you think it's time for some new music here? I do. I will work on that this week.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Did you drink green beer? (I'm thinking of you Ozzy and Jolene - hope you are okay tonight and remembering Mister in happy thoughts)
Hi Marsha,
Its great to be able to look at and enjoy your fantabulous pieces again ! I just love your "style" - the combo of colors and the personalities that you create...I just love it !
Hope you had a cozy St. Patty's Day ! No green beer here, but I did make sure to have my favorite color on and celebrated the greenness by buying a huge bouquet of tulips ! That made me feel lucky ! Come on Spring !
Happy Wednesday !
can you just rub yourself ALL over me so i can be a winner too? good gravy girlfriend..what have you dipped yourself into to be winning all these prizes? well whatever it is...you better share some with me!
Congrats again deary! I want to stake a claim on this free art of yours. Just had a chance to drool over all of them AND if NO one else
has claimed either 'practice journal'
OR 'untitled' I would love to give one of them a home!
You are too kind!
Thanks and have a great day!
Am SO happy to hear you smile! Congrats!!! Am happy, too, that your Muse is back. This little ATC is Tumblefish Charming! Hugs! :)
Congratulations! Isn't it fun to win, even if you don't know exactly what it is you won! And I will definitely stay tuned for your Pay It Forward giveaway. No green beer, just a Corona!! I'm ready for Cinco de Mayo!
Oy! Little Tumbling Fish - what a beautiful website you have here. I have had a great time swimming around looking at all of the wonderful work you do! Simple put - WOW!!!!
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