copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 5/5/09
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face from http://oldphotoalbum.blogspot.com, wings from spiceitup.etsy.com, body and hat from moonfaires.etsy.com, and boots scanned from a magazine picture. The face was hand-colored. All parts were altered slightly digitally before printing. All were reprinted and hand trimmed, arranged and attached to a background made from merging two textures from 'Playingwithbrushes' from flickr.
What a fantastic work of art. I am always amazed by the work you do. Love it all.
She's so mysterious! I like the subtle background of the words "the original". Very nice!
I just shrieked (joy, not fear) when I saw this piece. And I never say "shriek"... So not only did you make me shriek, you also made me use the work "shriek". Nice work.
Some days I want to just go and join one ! I want to be a circus fairy (especially one with a bod like that and legs like that !);-)!
Hugs, good thoughts and love going your way !
Gorgeous atmosphere here, m'dear!
Marsha, you know I love all your work, but this is my absolute favorite. The legs, the red jacket, the wings -- it's genius.
Love this one! Thank you for sharing!
Ohh I always love all your pieces, but this one is truly fab!! :) Great work, always!
Have a wonderful day! ~Stacey
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