House Fly

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 5/17/09
This is an 8 x 10 collage, large for me, using a body from flickr's goldengreyblue, a face from, a house from, wings from, and boots scanned from a magazine. The hat was made using a combination of images from flickr's takeabreak and wackystuff. The face and body were hand-colored after printing with ink and pastel. All were printed and hand trimmed and arranged on a back ground using a floor from the public domain and a sky from flickr's Dogtired.
Do you get it, kinda? She's the fly, swatting houses. I decided not to do this piece over because it has already lost my attention span. In fact, that is probably why I mucked it up - should have "measured twice, cut once" as my hubby says. I slapped it together at the end. I shouldn't have put off gluing it down. This has been in the works since Friday morning and laid out since yesterday and I kept finding other things that needed to be done other than art so I kind of got in a hurry to finally finish it.
This weekend was busy with the mundane. Nothing exciting but every minute used albeit not in art ways. I am WAY behind on my friends' work and flickrs and blogs. I'll work on it tonight and tomorrow . . . cuz I miss you all! It's going to be a busy week getting ready to leave in less than a week! I'll try to get a few more pieces, visits, and posts done and then I'm shutting down until after I get to through Dad's surgery. Hope you had a great and creative weekend!
Just wanted to stop by to say Hi and wish your Dad well with his surgery...It is so good that you can be there with him. Hope he has a speedy recovery...Hugs, Diane
P.S. I clicked on the time the first three times and no space came up to leave a comment then I clicked on "comment" and it worked...
Nope, I can't see any flaws. Just had a look here before I hop over to Flickr.....
If I could create something like this, tiny flaws would be the least of my worries. Your work is always stunning and clever and dripping with artistry. Your fans are too busy admiring the paintings to be bothered with looking for flaws. I love this one and I am darned if I can see anything wrong with it.
Flaws ???? And here I thought you were as perfect as me !;-)
Here is a quote for the two of us :
You see, when weaving a blanket, an Indian woman leaves a flaw in the weaving of that blanket to let the soul out. ~Martha Graham
Sending prayers out extra loud as you, your family and your Dad prepare for his surgery.
Here's to souls flying...
A fly with flaws, Oh, My! Maybe all of the fairies are jealous and have asked the Brownies to retaliate! They don't want you to create more insects (no matter how charming)!!!! Jealousy is running rampant in your enchanted world! LOL! Hugs, Terri xoxo
i love you posting it and critiquing your own work . . . this is a really informative way to learn by looking at how other artists deconstruct their work. thank you!
Aren't we always our worst critics??? No one (including myself) can find any flaws in this piece!!!!
Your work is so creative and unique. It's fabulous (non-existent flaws and all)
Oh Me, Oh MY! I have been a real slacker lately. I can completely relate to your post about Fairy Mother. I always start with the intention of getting the little chores done before I head to my studio and the next thing you know it's dinner time and I haven't created a thing! Funny how life gets in the way of our artistic dreams isn't it?
Rather than go back and leave comments on every post I have missed, I will just leave another LONG comment here.
Love your mother's day award video.
Cracked me up!
As for creating digitally...that's a great idea for using part digital and part hand colored. Can't wait to see what you come up with. AS for photoshop-please someone teach me how to use it!!!
If you figure it out, please share.
Thanks for passing along the friendly blogger award! You're too kind. You have one of the friendliest blogs around! We love you Marsha!
Love your fortune cookie pieces they are adorable. I love artwork with fortunes in them.
Your 'window' ATC is just awesome.
LOVE your 'Attic' piece and "She loved fish", they are both beautiful.
As for the flaws in this piece...??? Can't find them.
I will however check flickr just to see what you think is a flaw, but I really don't see a thing wrong. Besides, in artwork there ARE NO MISTAKES!
I do hope to visit more regularly.
I know you will be taking off to be with your father. Sending wishes for a successful surgery and recovery.
I too am taking off on Saturday so I'll be away from blogland for a week. Heading to FL for a family vacation! Woo hoo!
Have a great week and a safe trip.
Flaws Schmaws. She is so conceptually, crazily cute that it's just not an issue! Love to you and your Dad. X
i added your blog to mine, too . . . thank you! i just love your work, and i'm so glad i found it thru roc's site!
I love this page and I don't see "narry a flaw"!! Just wanted to thank you so much for your ultra sweet and kind comment on my blog, and thank you so very much for the scanning tips! I will have to look into it for sure.
I will be thinking of you and your Dad and wishing him well with the surgery, know you will keep us posted. Big hugs to ya!
MARSHA - Right, thats it, I want you to go and sit in the corner with a piece of paper and a pencil and dont come back until you have a list of ten good points about that work. Do you hear me young lady?
Ill start you off,
1. The concept is really clever.
2. The contrast between the golden clouds on the left and the dark clouds on the right seem to hint that there is more to this character than first meets the eye, perhaps a sad or sinister tale beneath the light hearted humor, love it when a work is open to further interpretation.
Right,thats only 8 to go for you. Get to it.
I "get" the collage and love the humor. I certainly can't see any flaws. Maybe you a too hard on yourself. It is a problem common to many of us.
No, I think flawless is what it is. Your work is always so fun and colorful and whimsical and just great!
You're such a lateral thinker...a fly swatting houses! I really like sure you'll be able to tone down the dreaded blue blob when you're feelin more might become one of your favorite pieces...and if you still don't like it send it on over to me!
And re your Dad, I'm sending supportive vibes your way and hope that it all goes smoothly...big hug to you...
Well...if this has flaws...I will be absolutely gobsmacked at it if it didn't have!!!!
I must be blind 'cos I can't see any!!
Wonderful art...clever concept!
Marsha, it took a bit of courage to post my last piece because it wasn't pretty looking and it wasn't meant to be. In fact, I'm working to make journalling pages that look more like car wrecks because that is what feels right for the subject matter. Like you, I always strive for perfection but sometimes, the little flaws, that only we notice, give a piece more "life". I say, run with your "flaws" and exploit them! By the way lovely lady, i know you've been busy and poorly of late, but did you receive my off-line messages?
Flaws? I can't see any. I know I say it every time...your work is awesome!
Take care,
Gaby xo
This creation looks awesome to me. I know personally sometimes when I view things I've made on the computer screen (after I've stepped away from them for abit) I see things I might have done differently, that said....I enjoy your creativity very much flawed or not! Flawed is almost like the word "weed" what is the difference between a flower and a weed? LOL
Marsha she's goooooorgeous.
Marsha, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one!
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