
copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 4/29/09
This is a 5 x 7 collage using a face and body from my own vintage postcard, scanned, altered in size in contrast, printed, trimmed and hand-colored. The legs, boots, and hair have all come from magazines and catalogs, and have gone through the same process. The butterflies and crown are from a flickr image sharing group. The blue wings are from, the outside border is from, and the background pieces are from
Want to see my inspiration?

Really and truly! Something about the way the hands were clutched to the chest reminded me of this painting. It's my quirky interpretation.
Dad update. I am leaving May 24 for Missouri to be with my Dad. His aneurysm surgery is May 28. I will be gone about 3 weeks this time as this is a bit tougher surgery. This time, though, I hope I am not so traumatized by the flight and stress of it all that I can actually keep up with my blog visiting even if I can't make much art. I'm hoping to take more pictures and post those and send you on some cyber tours. So, I'm going to work, work, work over the next couple of weeks and get done what I can before I go. I'll be home about 2 weeks and then go back to my Dad's in July for our normal vacation. That scares me now that I write it all down! Hope you all don't leave me if I'm not making much art for a few weeks!
I was contacted about making a custom piece yesterday. I'm almost done. I may post it before the night is over or early tomorrow! I got caught up in things here and am way behind in my flickr and blog visits - hope to get to that tomorrow too! Love you all!
Which reminds me! I've been meaning to ask forever - how do you go directly from someone's comment to emailing them? I get emails from someone quoting my comment on their blog as if they just clicked something on my comment and got to email immediately? Do you get what I'm asking? I don't know how to word it. Right now, if someone comments my blog, I have to go to their blog, find their email, copy it, go to my email and paste the address, etc. After all of the funny laundry advice, I'm sure you can help me with this!
I miss you already! And I saw that comment you put on Melissa's blog! I just can't even think of starting one right now! I hope your dad's surgery goes well, (is it an aortic aneurysm?) We deal with those alot at work. BTW, LOVE the venus girl! SO sweet! <3 Tracey
Oh she is finished and even more beautiful, love your insperational thinking;o) I wish your Dad all the luck and for you a big hug, I hope everything is going well. And we mish you ofcourse!
Oh she is finished and even more beautiful, love your insperational thinking;o) I wish your Dad all the luck and for you a big hug, I hope everything is going well. And we mish you ofcourse!
Oh she is finished and even more beautiful, love your insperational thinking;o) I wish your Dad all the luck and for you a big hug, I hope everything is going well. And we mish you ofcourse!
Oh she is finished and even more beautiful, love your insperational thinking;o) I wish your Dad all the luck and for you a big hug, I hope everything is going well. And we mish you ofcourse!
I can see the relationship between Botticelli's Venus and your venus :)
Best wishes for your trip and for your dad.
The comment thing - i know what you mean - dont know how to set that up either. I wonder if it is a typepad/ other blog host thing... have you noticed where the people who reply to you have their blogs?
Hey Sweetie, Love your modern day Venus...the boots you've been using lately have real attitude! Don't worry about us deserting you if you don't get to won't get rid of us so easily!! I think all is going to go well for your Dad...but do look after yourself...Re the email thingo don't think we can do the linking to comment thing with just have to click on the name and then email them through their profile...
Craziest Venus EVER! Good luck with your Dad. X
oo she is simply delightful!!! and I concur, I don't think what your asking is a blogger wishes for your dad's surgery..
I miss you already, too!!! And you shouldn't worry about us forgetting you - we will tapping our boots in anticipation of your return. :) I'm wishing your Dad a speedy recovery. I'll be checking your blog for those posts! xox Pam
Oh - and I love Venus!
Love, love, love little "Venus" !
I have the crazy Venus song in my head now! No, not Bananarama... the Frankie Avalon version that my grandmother used to love. You know...
"Venus if you will
Please send a little girl for me to thrill.
A girl who wants my kisses and my arms
A girl with all the charms of you."
That song is older than I am but it popped in my head when I saw your booted beauty !
Putting you and Dad high up on the prayer roster as of this minute!
Hugs, lovely Lady !
Finally . . . a date for your Dad. I know you've been anticipating this for quite a while. You're in my heart, thoughts and prayers. (You can't start to bug The Big Guy too early!!!)
Desert you???? I don't THINK so! Once a Marsha-stalk-a-rattzi always a Marsha-stalk-a-rattzi!
LOVE Venus! Hugs! xoxo
PS - Blogger dropped the ball bigtime on the reply thing! It's a feature that's available on other blog hosts. :(
I am guessing by the last comment from Terri that you can't just click reply in your email? I haven't used Blogspot in a long time alot I don't really remember.
Wishing your Dad the best of luck and many prayers! Hugs for you girl!
I adore this piece! The way you found your inspiration is so wonderful! Much love and hugs! Will miss ya!
your finished piece turned out wonderful. i'm a techonology i have NO clue how to email other than to hit their email button on their profile. wish i could be more helpful.
Sorry for the deletion before this post. I have a habit of proof reading my typing AFTER it has been set in stone.
Your Venus is stunning. I love how you took your inspiration from "The Birth of Venus". Why should you have a reason to post such a gorgeous work of art? I have to tell you that I am a crusty and sometimes cranky old bird but your picture moved me to the point where a tear came to my eye. It reminds me so much of my two year old granddaughter who has a way of looking at me in an identical way - the sideway's glance and the tiny glimpse of a smile.
I don't know what all your fans are going to do without you for three weeks but, of course, some things are more important. I send best wishes for a safe trip and a speedy recovery for your father.
I'm afraid that I am in the category of those who still access email addresses from the blog profile so can't help you with that.
Marsha, your work just blows me away. FAAAAANTAAAASTIC.
You all just have to be the nicest folks that ever lived. You always leave me such nice things to read that just lift me up, up, up! Thank you!
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