Here's a comment my daughter made on a post below tonight. It's for you. I put edits in [ ] and take note of how everything eventually revolves around her.
"Hey Mama!!!
I'm shouting out to your art peeps!
It's the daughter. idk [texting for I don't know] how to do all this blogg-edy stuff, but just saying I'm really not a depressed person lol I was just in a sad mood that day and was assigned a free verse poem for english class sooo enuff said! haha You should buy my mom's stuff, cuz that would be cool and if you're like a movie guy, like set designer you should put it in a really popular show, so like the whole world could be like "Omagod what is that exquisite piece of art on the wall, I would pay like a gazillion dollars for it." And then I can go to Notre Dame and my mom is happy and life is good. So yeh thats all i haf to say!
peace and love
Okay, so you think she'll get into Notre Dame with writing like that? Texting is ruining our kids - the spelling shortcuts they take, little punctuation, AND that thing you may have heard about young CA girls using the word "like" too much - it is so true. In her defense, she didn't comment knowing I would actually highlight it in a post and she is a straight A Honor student will all AP classes lined up for next year (very scary thought after reading that, humorous as it was). I was laughing so hard reading it aloud to my hubby and mom-in-law they couldn't understand what I was saying which made everyone laugh harder. Then, I made public note to my whole family that I don't think anyone believes I have an older son cuz I so infrequently mention him nor have I shown any pictures. This illustrates that my daughter HAS somehow made everything revolve around her. Poor Shawn. Here's some pix . . .
This is Shawn and I on a hike about 4 years ago. See, I didn't start at the beginning. It was so hot on this long hike that I had my husband cut my sleeves off of my long sleeved shirt (worn to protect against poison oak) with his Swiss army knife. Well, then what to do with the sleeves? Wear them on your head of course! Duh.
This is Shawn and I about 3 years ago - wearing our gaming sportswear. I used to be addicted to video games. Really. Then I found art. (Shawn is trying to look all serious here but if you look hard enough, you can see the smile that is about to explode with giggles just after the picture was taken). Notice how much he's grown in a year, now taller than me in this picture.
This pic shows us in my house I just moved from. The art on the right side is mine. A big fabric piece I made for an alumni exhibition and haven't made one since. It also shows that I am wearing my son's old shorts - my wardrobe of the last few years.
This is Lauren and I the same night, having more fun posing than Shawn would have, stinker that he is.
This is Shawn just about to start a fencing match a year or so ago.
This is Shawn also about a year or so ago on another hike. I love this picture of him.
He does exist, in the most wonderful fascinating way!
Hi Marsha,
Just found your amazing blog. Love your works. You are such a creative soul. Beautiful stuff. I would also like to say that I love the song Galway Girl and was impressed that it was playing while i was reading your blog.
Cheers Rebecca
So fun to see you! I love the pic in hoodies just noses showing. Had a good laugh!!!!
My daughter often won't pick up her calls but if I text her, well.....I don't know what it is about tiny typing!
Hello miss Tumblefish! So nice to see you beautiful smiling face! Now I can put it with the name! I have been reading your blog & enjoy it very much. I just wanted to ask you...where is your pointy hat & wings in your picture? Your son is very handsome...I bet he has girls just swarming! And I couldn't see your lovely daughter's face but I am sure she is just as pretty as you! Let her know I will be stopping by your etsy very soon, but I don't know any famous people & I'm not a set designer! But do nt fear, I know you will be "discovered" someday! Taks care, Tracey
Anyone who has teenagers will LOVE this post! Can't believe how your daughter turned her frustration into a gorilla marketing opportunity!!! Now that's LOVE for you! :D LOL
Enjoyed all of the pics of your son. What a handsome devil! What a great family!!!
Many thanks for your recent comment on my blog - YOU, Ms. Marsha - are an AWESOME woman! xoxox
Fun to have a visit from both your kids ! Wonderful young uns you seem to have there, Marsha !Looks like they have both inherited your sense of humor !;-)
Happy Thursday !
Oh Marsha, you've given me too many things to comment on! First, you look amazing! Your kids seem to have a wonderfully lighthearted spirit
and amazing sense of humor. Can I hire your daughter to do some PR for me? She's like totally awesome!!!
What a nice surprise to have her leave a comment like that.
I SERIOUSLY want to see the fabric piece that's hanging on your wall CLOSE-UP! Please take a pic of it and post. And why don't you do any fabric art anymore? From what I can see, it looks amazing.
I didn't leave a comment on your previous post about the crooked pointy hats but they're adorable.
I can see them in the Halloween issue of Somerset for SURE!
Great job on them.
Sending hugs out to you in sunny CA!
I want to see your fabric piece, too! I come from a long line of quilters, generations of them. But, alas, they didn't pass their talent with fabric along to me. Please show us your fabric art!
You have a beautiful family!!
OMG doesn't their spelling in their messages just kill you. I think, why did we labor all those hours over spelling test.Hubby thinks he can also text that way. Not!!!
Great pics, son is a cutie
Oh your children are Wonderful! Don't ya just love them:) I often think how diffrent life would be without them. I love the giggles and the fun. The inscent worrying even when they are grown and gone. Life just wouldn't be the same without them.
As to your question. How far do I live from I-40? That would be about 2 1/2 miles to your south out in Western Oklahoma. But if you are traveling through OKC Bricktown would be an absolutely FABULOUS place to meet for lunch! It is right on I-40 and only about 50 minutes from my House:)
You should check out all that there is to see in that area. Just check it out on the web.
Your stuff is truly unique and amazing. Keep it up so the rest of use can gaze on in awhhhh!!! julie
how nice to see your photos! what a handsome young man.
Oh your children are such a credit to you Marsha and it's great to see you too.
I so love your work too and I so hope you do manage to get something into the magazine.
Good luck.
What wonderful photos andits great to see you in the flesh :-) I had to smile at the pic with the hoodies drawn in. Treasure these moments :-)
Too funny! I love teenagers...I love how they write the way they speak! So natural and honest! It's great how happy you look. They are always our babies no matter how big they get.
oooxxxx Zinnia
Your photo is awesome, you look like you're cracking up laughing and somebody just hollered "now say cheese" and you froze!!! :) very cool.
I have multiple things to be jealous of this post. Nintendo sweat shirts, I'm geek enough to admit a little jealousy there. If you say next that you have Link's ocarina I may break down and cry. Do you Wii? We wii and we weally wove wiiing.
Also your son takes fencing lessons????? OH SO COOL! I always thought that would be so fun!
Also jealous you got to MacGyver up your shirt while out on a hike. Real life MacGyvering rocks!!!
Your daughter's comment is not only really sweet but hilarious and I do hope a set designer snatches up your art and presents it to the world for at the very least a half a gazillion dollars. Don't suppose your husband when he's doing his movie thang could just poke some of it into a scene....? OHHHHH OHHH OR BETTER YET and probably more legal you oughtta have tshirts made up so it could be advertised to the set designer types etc. ;) AWESOME post with awesome photos! Thanks for sharing.
I just love visiting your blog! It's almost like talking to a friend. Your kids sound great!
I would like to see the fabric piece.
Bonjour Marsha! I just discovered your art and your blog through Shelagh's Alice in Paris Rainbow Colors intereview! I LOOOOOOVE IT ! EVERYTHING ABOUT IT ! Your spunkyness, the colors you use, the subject of your collages, the quirkiness (outch! not sure about this word's spelling !!!), the playfull and fun side of it! Will be back for more for sure! Have a wonderful weekend! LuLu
What a fun visit!! Yall are so funny! Loved the letter from your daughter and your son is quite a handsome young man! What a beautiful family you have! I know exactly what you go through worrying about them, I'm the same way! Thank God we have our art!
Have a great weekend friend!!
Haha. I've been away for a while but have had a good laugh catching up with you today!!!
You are gorgeous! And your kids are beautiful. Truly.
Hugs to you!
It's really great to see some pics of you and your family! Thanks for sharing!
Gaby xo
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