If you left click it, you'll get a giant version and then you can download that for the best quality.
I think I am going to make a little logo with a hat and pointy wings and wear it on my blog with pride as a member of the Pointy Hat and Wings Club. If I do make one I will share it with you.
Anyway, please know that I am totally fine about this. Your words really mean a lot to me and I do soak up every juicy sweet and kind word. I am fine if someone doesn't like my work, though, really. I'm sure there are lots that don't. But, as many of you said, I make art for me and not for them. The only upsetting part for me was that someone delights in being confrontational and mean. I suspect whoever it was wanted to stir a pot and they did so they should be happy about that. I sent a flickrmail to "discuss" art and integrity, rising to the occasion of CFP's challenge presented in his/her comment. But, I also suspect that CFP is not an artist at all and has no interest in discussing anything. If he/she is an artist I want to know why they don't have the guts to put their work out there in public view if they know so much about how to make good art.
Ah, well . . .
Many, many sincere thank you's, bear hugs, and sloppy kisses to you all! (Leslie, a special thank you to you and you know why. You sweetheart.) I will be by to visit all of you later today.
Marsha, as the proud owner of one of your awesome pieces,all I can say is Cherry Flavored Pez should keep her/his comments in that "Pez" dispenser. Keep doing what you are doing your work is wonderful
Thanks for the thank you goodie ! It is "love"ly !
Hope you have some nap time later !;-)
Happy Good Friday !
I'm so glad you can move on from the hurful comment. My guess is that there are some people out there just waiting to cause trouble and that is why some people have to moderate comments on their blogs. Carry on doing what you are SO good at and feel uplifted by all the comments of support you have had. Kate aka thekathrynwheel
Well! I feel sooo out of touch with everybody lately, but when I read about all this drama, I gotta tell ya, my jaw dropped. I was shocked. I don't believe that CFP is an artist of any sort, because if they were, they would realize that we all have a "style"...a trait....something that makes us "us". We all do. I know generally we all appreciate and admire each others work. How boring would the world be if everyone's art was the same??!! It's just sad that this person does not have the mentality to understand that even if they felt that way, it is something they should have kept to themselves, and even if your work didn't appeal to them, there was no reason to blatently disrespect you in front of everyone. That is what hurts me. I have always been and will be in awe of your work, and that you can count on!
Chin up, carry on exactly how you choose, and if your work ever did go in a different direction, it will be because YOU chose to take it there, and if you did, we would still love it!!!
Hugs sweet friend,
Am SO happy to hear that you're OK! You, my Dear Friend, are such a CLASS ACT! Thank you for the unexpected goodie. Here's yet another Loving Hug! xoxoxo
OOOHHHH! first... SOME PEOPLE (I'm one of em) LOVE POINTY HATS AND WINGS.. so Keep em coming!.. Like Thumper once said: "If you can't say nothin' nice.. don't say nothin' at all".. great advice, and that came from an animated Bunny!...
SECOND... I just got my Somerset Studio mag in the mail today.. YOU GOT PUBLISHED AGAIN!!!! HOW VERY AWESOME! I did a quick thumb through as I was walking into my artroom, and I said (to myself) HEY!!... and thumbed back .. I KNOW HERRRRR! oooh! The pieces are delicious, and the colors so yummy!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S girlfriend!!!!
Thanks everybody! You're so nice.
And, NO WAY Mary Ellen! I haven't gotten my Somerset yet. Usually they send you a free copy when they use something and it hasn't gotten here so I had no idea! COOL! Thanks for telling me! I'll do the happy dance!
I'm so happy that you are moving on and realizing that Flickr comment was from somebody that probably is not even an artist! Don't ever let that little flickr voice talk to you....keep doing what you're doing...we all love it!
thank you so much for sharing this lovely background:)
I will use it with love and post a pick on my blog.
just found your site & wow! I find your work very well done--thoughtfully composed, colorful, outstanding composition, and FUN! "constructive criticism" takes me back to college days...I think the profs felt they had to be critical to teach you anything. I hated that. you are enjoying the journey & that's what matters! thanks for sharing yourself with us.
I am back from vacation, it looks like I have missed something! I hope there is not some bad joo joo going on against my dear Marsha!!! I collect Pez and I have never liked the cherry ones.
Your Pal,
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