It is just a coinkydink that my son, who is a junior in high school this year, has been studying WWII and came home a couple of days ago and told me "Mom, do you know if it weren't for the women working here in the US we would probably have lost the war." It seemed profound to hear a 17 year old boy many decades later appreciate the effort of these women who threw off their traditional roles and lovely dresses to take up the slack and get 'er done in their husbands work clothes left behind when the men went to do their heroic part. These women were heroic too . . . and STRONG to maintain the home front and learn skills not traditionally a woman's skill to learn. And, it makes me proud to be a woman. I mean really proud. Don't we always do what we have to do to take care of what needs to be taken care of?
Here's some trivia about the pix above . . .
from http://www.docspopuli.org/articles/RosieTheRiveter.html
"Perhaps the best-known example of women working in trades during World War II [top] is commonly - though incorrectly - called “Rosie the Riveter,” memorialized in numerous posters, magazine covers, t-shirts, coffee mugs and advertisements.
"The actual image of "Rosie the Riveter" appeared on a Norman Rockwell cover of a 1943 Saturday Evening Post. The "We Can Do It!" image, also featuring a strong working woman, was a poster by J. Howard Miller for Westinghouse.
"Here is the background according to Ed Reis, Volunteer Historian for Westinghouse, as interviewed by California Federation of Teachers Publications Director Jane Hundertmark, February 5, 2003:
“For the past 60 years, the popular image of the World War II-era female worker in the “We Can Do It” poster has evoked strength and empowerment. The American public identified the image as “Rosie the Riveter,” named for the women who were popping rivets on the West Coast, making bombers and fighters for aeronautical companies like Boeing. But history tells a different story. In 1942, the Westinghouse Corporation, in conjunction with the War Production Coordinating Committee, commissioned the poster. It was to be displayed for only two weeks in Westinghouse factories in the Midwest where women were making helmet liners. They made 13 million plastic helmet liners out of a material called Mycarta, the predecessor to Formica (which means “formerly Mycarta”). So, more aptly named, this woman is Molly the Mycarta Molder or Helen the Helmet Liner Maker.”
I'll try to post a pic of me in my get up.
So, new music - I have no idea how I chose these. I am very eclectic in my music appreciation and this is what I've been listening to as I work around the house and with my art work the last few days.
I'll be away for the next couple of days and back on Sunday night or Monday. Enjoy your weekend!
1 comment:
This I gotta see! lol
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