Shroom Fairy . . .

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 1/17/09
5 x 7 collage using a black and white vintage image, reprinted, trimmed and hand-colored and arranged with wings from, architecture, bird and mushrooms from, and a hat purchased from bjorn lovell, all on a watercolored background.
I usually get an egg mcmuffin and large fountain coke on Saturdays. I used to everyday, but have cut back to once a week now. mmmm. Then a few chores and off for lunch and shopping with the all the girls in the family. Hubby will be home this afternoon and we are going to finally try and take my "portrait". I'll post if I can handle it! Have a great weekend!
Oh, I can't wait...please be brave,
=) Liz
Your new collage is beautiful! I just love it!
Well, there is not Sunday post yet, so I will borrow Saturday.
Happy Birthday Mama Fish!
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