Jan 11, 2009

Thinking of you . . .

I am behind blog posting, art making, and blog hopping . . . again. I am finding it hard to concentrate on anything or put any new information in my head or even carry on a normal conversation.

The actor's strike/no strike meetings start tomorrow and I am on big, huge, enormous pins and needles. It has been a long year of strikes and strike fear and we are nearing a happening of some sort in the next two days. Either the nightmare and dread and fear are over and gone for a couple of years until it is time to renegotiate, or the worst thing that could possibly happen financially for a lot, A LOT, of people will happen. It is very nerve racking!

All I can seem to do is laundry and cleaning. Which is good I guess. I'll keep you posted.


Cindy said...

Hey thanks for the valentines..I copied one! : D And congrats on the Etsy sells. Is always fun when something sells...such a validation to me! : D

How is your Dad? And hoping that all goes well on the strike thing today.



Miss you.
Everything will be alright.