Fig. 729 Fun in Love

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 1.31.09
5 x 7 collage using a vintage face, reprinted, trimmed and hand-colored (even whitened her teeth!), with a dress, hands, and hat cut from pieces from, boots from a catalog, butterfly wings used with a license agreement with Butterfly Utopia, other wings from jackandcatcurio, vintage paper scraps, and originally made hearts, label and trim. All are arranged on an antique encyclopedia page.
729 is my anniversary - over 20 years ago. In tribute to my fun and loving marriage.
I really, really need to make backgrounds - today or tomorrow. I keep making these Figure pieces cuz I'm plum out! When I get a couple for more, more colorful pieces done this week, I'll be listing on Etsy. Have to take some pictures of other stuff I want to list first.
I'm really LOVING your newest pieces! This one is no exception. Get that Etsy store filled up, okay?? :)
I LOVE it!
Yes!! Get that Etsy store filled back up!
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