Jan 27, 2009

Dad update . . .

For those of you praying with me and thinking good thoughts, I just hung up from talking with him. It is not the news we were hoping for. His angiogram revealed that he needs a quadruple bypass to prevent a heart attack he is at great risk of having before they can fix the aneurysm. He meets with the surgeon on the 4th to find out when. More waiting with a plane ride tagged on - ooohhh, big deep breaths. Darn it, I wish I would have gotten that airplane window I had on my Christmas list so I could practice breathing next to it! (http://tumblefishstudio.blogspot.com/2008/11/christmas-wish-list-continued.html) Keep thinking good thoughts. God has a plan.


ScrapAddict said...

Prayers for your father, you and family!


Hugs and prayers for you. If you need me, just call.

Shelly said...

Still sending positive thoughts your way. If you need a deep breaths buddy, let me know.

Jamie said...

I will be thinking good thoughts and sending prayers. Hanging there sweetie. Love, Jamie

crazierinreallife said...

I will be saying prayers for you family. Just stumbled on your blog through OWOH. I hope all turns out well

aliceinparis said...

Best of luck for your dad. Both of my in laws have had bypasses. They do so many these days that it is not the scary, scary surgery it used to be. He will feel so much better.
It is still tricky but I have faith it will all work out well.

Kim Mailhot said...

taking deep breaths, sending good thoughts and keeping the prayer chain going. Take care of you.

Tace said...

I will add more good thoughts to this lovely teetering pile of good thoughts being constructed by your readers. :)

BlueRidgeLady said...

You know I will be thinking about you and your Dad and saying prayers for your family. I'm here.

Leslie said...

And I, too, am sending loads of positive energy your way!

Terri Kahrs said...

Am "standing beside" you and sending many good thoughts and prayers for you, your Dad and your family.

Linda Summerfield said...

So sorry.