Hope . . .

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 1/25/09
5 x 7 collage using a black and white vintage image, reprinted, carefully trimmed and hand-colored and arranged with a crown from lisasalteredart.etsy.com and wings from jackandcatcurio, and arranged with original and ribbon trims on a watercolored background.
It is funny that this piece came out of me tonight. I was just etalking with Shellypaints (whose rocket journal page will be mine someday, I swear!) about my thinking I might mute my colors a bit (thus Maude and the Lucky Bug in the earlier post). To be candid, my bright colors don't fit into most decors very well (and don't sell well) and they take away from the vintage feel of the images I use, I know. It is still all a bit of my searching for my artistic voice, what I want to say in my work. The color debate will work itself out, just like the hats and wings when I'm ready.
Mary remains a bit of a mystery to me. I haven't looked lately, but I have in the past and I could never find a blog or bio or website - just her photostream. It frustrates me because I want to stalk her properly, as one would stalk the person whose work made you want to change your life, quit your jobs, and start making art full time.
This piece and many other new pieces will be listed on my Etsy sometime in the next few days. I've been trying to get rid of older work at lower prices, so don't be sticker shocked if you look up the new work. The new pieces are more complicated and taking a lot more time.
Marsha...this is simply stunning!...and I agree...there IS something about Mary...and it's fantastic art!!
I love this piece! I really love all your pieces. This post is very interesting to me because you are questioning exactly what drew me to your art in the first place. I have seen the use of vintage photos with interesting backgrounds over and over but it was your use of color and a certain "edge" to your pieces that made me comment when I first saw your stuff. I thought, "This lady has a special eye for collage and for color." And art that doesn't fit a decor ??? Change the decor ! ;-)
Then again, that is only one stalker/fan's opinion...;-)
(By the way, don't know Mary , have the Bernie Berlin book - love it !!! - am going to get it to check her out !)
Hi Marsha! WOW--this piece is so gorgeous! I agree with Kim - your combination of color with vintage images works SO well. I've only purchased two pieces of art, but I did because I loved them and the message and not because they went w/my "early American garage sale" decor. (lol) I found Mary Hadleman's PictureTrail and her art is gorgeous as well. Thanks for introducing her work to me.
I love this piece! I love your intensely bright colors! They attracted me to your art in the first place. I think the use of such brilliant colors is so unexpected with the vintage images--and I think that is wonderful!! What is this "art to match the sofa" compulsion some buyers have? We MUST educate them!! BTW, I can't wait to see your new art for sell on Etsy.
This is a lovely piece! The colors are very striking.
I have always loved Mary's work. And yours just keeps getting better and better! Love this!
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