Perfect Day . . .

copyright by Marsha Jorgensen 1/26/09
3 3/4 x 4 3/4 collage using vintage images, reprinted, carefully trimmed and slightly hand-colored and arranged with wings licensed by Butterfly Utopia, cloud stickers by EK Success, and original trims on a watercolored background.
Dedicated to my honey for making everyday as perfect as he can for me! (who I am so thankful is in my bed keeping it warm for me and will wake up, cuddle up and tell me he loves me when I go into bed in a few minutes and then, a few minutes later, when I ask him to roll over because his snoring is keeping me awake, he'll say he's sorry and he loves me, again.) Here's some of my favorite pix of my sweetie (I'm leaving a bunch of years out but these are some of my favorites) . . .
21 years ago . . .

20 years ago . . . (with me on a movie set and then hubby on our way back to get my degree)

15 years ago . . . (with daughter and then all of us)

12 years ago . . . (with son playing pirate)

Just a couple of years ago . . .

Today was a perfect day, or is going to be a perfect day. On Sunday, which still seems like today since it's 1 a.m. and I am still in the day of Sunday except it is now technically Monday, I cleaned the house, the kids did chores (for once), the laundry is almost done, the fridge is full, we actually cooked a real dinner, the bills are paid, the banking is done, my art stuff is put away, my hubby is home from his business trip, my sheets awaiting me are clean and tight (no bed wrinkles), and I am ready for Monday!
My dad is having an angiogram today (Monday) so please say some prayers. We'll find out what is going on with his heart and see if they can get in and fix that aneurysm. I'll know the details on Tuesday. Thanks everybody!
I will think oooooodles of good thoughts for you and your Dad!!!
I love *perfect days*, though most days seem pretty dang awesome the ones that some how slip seamlessly into near perfection are extra sweet. Usually they involve me crowing in the kitchen in my best Vanna-White-arm-sweeping-about-dramatically-gesture-type pose as I beam at my husband and tell him to "look, LOOK! The floor is swept, the dishes are done and did I mention the floor is SWEPT????????????? That hair ball we thought was a third cat? Not a cat, just a regular hair ball."
Days like that when you can still count the number of feline companions as 2, when crafts have been created, supper has been ated and cleaning desires sated......those are good days. :)
I was sooooo fast with my comment I commented before the pics were up and now I see there are pics and I never commented on them in my previous comment because they were not there when I commented!!!!!
But now I shall say, cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool pics, thereby acknowledging their existence!! :)
Best wishes going out to your dad. Sounds like you had a productive day! I love those. Lovely pics of hubby and family and nice to see you too!!
What a nice tribute to your "perfect" man ! So glad you found that "perfect day" moment !
Sending big prayers out to you and your dad today.
I love your "Perfect Day" piece and enjoyed the photos in your loving tribute to your husband! I'll be sending good thoughts your way, too, for your dad.
Just a note to say I love your blog and your art. It is all so vibrant and beautiful.
Perfect days are something to savor and I am so glad you were able to do that in the wee hours of the morning. I will be thinking about your Dad and hoping the waiting is not too tedious until results come. Your hubby photos are wonderful. He's a cutie:)
I wanted to talk about the Maude post where you say that some think wings and hats are trite. Yes, I have read all the rants from people complaining that it's old news and they are sick of seeing it. But wings and hats were one of the first reasons I was drawn to mixed media to begin with and I will use them with relish if I feel someone needs them. That's the wonderful thing about art. It's yours and no one elses. It has to be what moves YOU and speaks to YOU or it won't come from your soul. So use those vibrant colors, slap a hat on the dog and wings on a house and make art. Make magic.
Love, Jamie
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